During the early stage of Covid 19, I felt that there was a need to help the people of the community to sell their products online. People cannot get out and sell their products. The market was closed because of the lockdowns. I asked my long time developer friend to join me and to create Bantay Digital - a small team of professionals and artists that has devoted their time, effort and talent into designing tech solutions for the community. Bantay means mountains in the local dialect. And it also means guardian in Filipino, the national dialect. We conceptualized e-commerce platforms and started on a prototype.

Other volunteer friends also contacted us and we created an online logbook called TRACE. A Progressive Web App - QR code based system for designed for establishments and residents to log in before entering establishments. The project is currently open sourced on GitHub. 

Through this site, people from other cities and countries contacted us for other corporate projects.We were not just catering for the locals but for clients from around the globe as well.

You may visit the site at http://bantay.digital
One of the lottie files in the website but converted to video here. 
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